I flew down to Dallas today, and as I write this, I am sitting in the Renaissance Hotel getting ready to shut down for the night. I was thinking about all the things that have happened the last week; our…
One day, more than 25 years ago, I received a package at my office addressed to a David Toussaint – obviously not intended for me; but there it was! And I tried to track him down, and through a weird…
Today, our daughter Jill was heading back home to Oklahoma with her son, Drew. We headed to the airport to eat lunch and see them off. After I parked the car, we went in to assist Jill with the suitcases…
No – I didn’t misspell “clarification”. I meant “Clarafication” – and that may seem odd until I share with you that this local company is owned by – wait for it – Clara! And she is a delightful woman, with…
For the first time since I was involved in the memorial service for our friend Roger Johnson last week-end, I called Arlene today. It was good to hear her voice, and now the process of grieving, and healing, will start…
The clock just struck eleven this evening, and Janet went in to bed. I headed outside, and for the first time this year, I am enjoying our firepit. I lit it earlier tonight to roast marshmallows with our grandson Carter,…
Metamorphosis – the act of change in at least two distinctive phases. From the Greek, meaning “to change form”, usually from the inside out. Yes – you are in the right place! This is still Transitions by The Book –…
Throughout our history, Americans have turned to prayer for strength, inspiration, and solidarity. Prayer has played an important role in the American story and in shaping our Nation’s leaders. President Abraham Lincoln once said, “I have been driven many times…
Well, today marks another anniversary in my life – and as the title of this blog implies, it was on this date, May 2nd, in 1979, that I had my first surgery – I was 26 and scared to death….
I’m sitting here tonight, after midnight, and I am, as they say, dog tired. We spent the evening helping Kristin as she is recovering from her surgery earlier in the week, and then I started thinking about the funeral service…