This week, we started the spring session of the Soul Sisters, the church based Bible study I have taught to the women of Zionsville Presbyterian Church for many years now. I enjoy it, in addition to the fact that I…
I was listening to a Christian pianist several weeks ago and she was discussing the Bible and reading Scripture during her performance. Many of the carols that we traditionally sing come out of the narrative of Luke’s Gospel but Lorie…
We are in the fourth week of Advent and are awaiting the arrival of Jesus later in the week. The four Advent candles are lit and we will light the center candle, the one representing Jesus, on Christmas Eve. We…
Every several years I am asked to speak to a women’s group that Janet is a member of. They are fundamentally a Christian group and each month they have a speaker present a short program that would be of interest…
I am in the middle of teaching the Gospel of John to a group of ladies, the Soul Sisters, at the church we attend almost 30 minutes from our home. I was originally asked to address the group close to…
Janet and I have been watching a new program on Fox Nation that is named, “God. Family. Football.” Generally speaking, I am impressed with the number of people and topics that promote a faith based lifestyle on the network. While…
Although I am not very good at it, most of you know that I insisted on going to a seminary where I could study under a Greek scholar so that I could have a better understanding of the Bible. Although…
With Halloween several weeks away, you might think that I am going to write about candy… but I’m not… The truth of the matter is that I was reading an interesting article about making money, saving and looking toward the…
This past Tuesday, the 24th, was a significant date in the history of our great country. For it was on September 24, 1789 that the Supreme Court came into existence. It was the result of the Judiciary Act of 1789…