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A Covid Forced Sabbath…

By July 21, 2022December 7th, 2022Devotional

Well, after eluding Covid for just about 2-1/2 years, it finally caught up to us. On Monday, I started feeling a little bit under the weather and by Monday evening, Janet suggested I take a Covid test. Before that, neither one of us has ever had a thought that one of us could have Covid. No symptoms, no feeling bad, etc. But Monday evening, I was surprised when the test came out positive.

I used one of those tests that the government sent through the post office a number of months ago and, at first, I was concerned that I had not done it correctly. But it turned out that I was looking for the result in the wrong place. Sure enough, when I re-read the instructions, there were the two lines – a red one and blue one – signifying a positive test result.

From there, it was kind of downhill. A sore throat, temperature, headache and the worst of it, coughing, seem to be representative things that come with Covid these days. Oh, and let’s not forget about the fatigue. I’m told that I could feel tired for a number of weeks after the worst part of this is over.

Although it doesn’t make any difference at this point, I think I picked this up in Chicago when I attended the funeral of my friend a little more than a week ago. The funeral home was packed and it should have occurred to me that wearing a mask would have been a good idea. But it didn’t… enough said…

So now, I am grateful that it isn’t worse. I tested again last night and I’m still positive. And even writing a long post tonight seems to be beyond my grasp. So I’m just going to call it a Covid Sabbath – a day of rest – and hope that I will soon be able to return to my normal routine.

Janet pretty much refuses to leave my side but sooner or later she needs some time away for herself. It’s difficult to be on duty all the time but that seems to be the way that Janet and I roll when one of us is under the weather. I am thankful for her dedication – something that has been there for just about 49 years now.

I guess that I should admit that I am not a very good patient. In fact, Janet would tell you that I am a terrible patient. I hate being sick – and I realize that I can be tough to deal with when I am under the weather. I have been spoiled with pretty good health during my life – I don’t get ill very often. But when I do… it’s usually somewhat severe.

To make matters even worse, Janet tested positive this morning. So we are both fighting the latest version of this virus. Hopefully, it won’t be too long before things are back to normal.

A friend of mine reminded me of a verse yesterday. So our verse for tonight comes from the book of Matthew. In Matthew 8:3, we are given the words of Jesus by the writer of this Gospel. A man was ill and Jesus healed him instantly. We are told, “Jesus reached out his hand and touched the man. “I am willing,” he said. “Be clean!” Immediately he was cured of his leprosy.”

How nice it would be to have instant healing with this Covid. However, I am grateful that it isn’t worse. My encouragement this evening is that Jesus is the Great Healer. Many of my friends are already praying that we will have a speedy recovery. My prayer this evening is that we will all be blessed with healthy lives in accordance with the will of God and when we are under the weather, the Great Healer will restore us to full health! Have a great day in the Lord, grace and peace…

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