Each evening when I sit down to write, I have something of a ritual that I go through to prepare for whatever I am to write about that particular day. It starts with opening the Transitions “dashboard” – better known as the back end of our website – in preparation for writing my post for the day. After a moment of prayer, the first thing that greets me is the line that I have chosen for the title of tonight’s entry – “Add New Post.” You know what happens next? Nothing… that’s right, nothing…
Because I just sit there and wait for some inspirational message that I am compelled to write about for the day. Sometimes, through the prompting of the Holy Spirit, it comes in a flash – other nights, not so fast. But I just sit there, staring at the keyboard, until something really grabs me. And I can’t tell you how many times people come up to me and wonder how I get all these ideas for posts. Well, they aren’t my ideas. My part is easy – I just sit and wait for some leading.
Sometimes, it is a history lesson, or a devotional study of some sort. Other times, as you well know, it is a childhood recollection that becomes the subject matter for the night. But rather than ramble on about all the things that go into writing each night, let’s get to the verse for the evening, Tonight it is from proverbs 3:5, “Trust in The Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.” That’s what I have done for more than 780 articles so far during the past three years.
My encouragement this evening is that you also can trust in the Lord. He is waiting for you to wait on Him. Then, when the time is right and when you least expect it, the Holy Spirit will guide your steps and lead you in ways that you didn’t even begin to fathom. Furthermore, when you think you’re headed one direction please don’t be surprised when you are turned a completely different way. It happens all the time to me. My prayer is that you will trust in the Lord for all your needs. God knows what those needs are and He won’t give you more than you can handle. Have a great day in the Lord, grace and peace…