I was watching the news this morning and listened to the story of a person who has literally taken up his cross. It has been a wonderful testimony to the story of Jesus and His sacrifices for all of us. Apparently, back in 1985, a man decided to start dragging a cross around the country. Ultimately, he has travelled around the world. In fact, he has been to more than 200 countries and has walked more than 22,000 miles since he first started out. The cross is basically carried and the back end of the cross is attached to a wheel so it can be rolled rather than dragged around the world.
I admit that I wonder what would possess somebody to do this. I went online and tried to research the guy and, instead, found the story of another man – Arthur Blessitt – who has walked more than 41,000 miles since Dec. 25, 1969 – also carrying a cross. During that time, he has apparently walked on every continent; in fact, he has walked in every nation on the earth. His website is full of some pretty interesting statistics. For example, he was more likely to be arrested in Hollywood, CA than anywhere else. He thought the most beautiful city is Jerusalem and while Holland has the best roads, it was not very tolerant of the cross.
But the most interesting fact to me is that Arthur stated that there were a number of nights when he could not bring the cross into hotels and other places he stayed. However, more than half the churches that he visited turned down his request to house the cross overnight. Yet in his travels throughout the world, there was never a bar or nightclub that turned down a request to take care of the cross overnight – and that is for more than 45 years that Arthur has been walking. I find that absolutely amazing. There are all kinds of interesting statistics such as the worst jail in the world (he was arrested many times) – apparently in Concord, New Hampshire!
So, I guess that carrying a cross around the world is more common than I thought. Who could have known? And each of the people who has done this has professed their love for Christ and given the glory to God. Arthur is now 73 years old and is still going strong with no physical maladies. Unbelievable…
The verse for tonight is the Great Commission. It is found in Matthew 28:18-20, “Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” My encouragement this evening is that even if you don’t want to carry a cross around the world, Jesus wants you to proclaim the Gospel to all who will listen. My prayer is that you will be blessed when you lead others to Christ and that you will continue to give the glory to God. Have a great day in the Lord, grace and peace…