It’s the end of a very long day. In fact, it’s almost 11 pm and I am just now sitting down to write my post. Oh, I know what I want to write about, but I still have to get it down on the page. The reason that I am so sure about what to share this evening is that I have had an unusually high number of things that recently that I believe that I have been chosen for. I know that really sounds strange, but I was “chosen” to work on a large project for a new client. And I have been “chosen”, along with a co-worker of mine, to oversee a very large initiative that will change the way another client conducts business in the future.
Similarly, I have made many choices that seem to be on the right path. And, regrettably, at least for the time being, I have chosen to work incredibly long hours day after day, at least for another week or so until we pass some important benchmark dates. Then, it will be time to modify my schedule just a little so that I can get some balance back in my life.
But let’s not lose sight of the fact that those of us who are Christ followers have all been chosen. That’s right, God chose us to be a part of His family. Of course, Jesus died for all people, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that everyone will come to Christ in an expression of eternal love and submission to Him. So how does the decision get made as to who gets selected, and at what time, to accept the gift of salvation?
Well, it’s one of the ministries of the Holy Spirit. In other words, God, through the Holy Spirit, prepares our hearts in such a way as to consider whether or not we wish to accept the gift of salvation. And since it’s a gift, it’s something that is freely given – not something that you can work for or aspire to – that’s the point – it’s free. But here’s the catch – you must accept the gift. Did you ever witness someone who received a gift but then decided to return it or not accept it? Well, that’s the way it is with those people who are touched by the Holy Spirit and then, when offered the gift of eternal life, decide they don’t want to accept it. I am absolutely certain that God suffers when someone turns down His offer – and rejoices beyond our comprehension when someone enters into eternal life with Him. By the way, do you know when that happens?
Nope – not when you die a physical death… It’s immediately upon accepting Christ as your Lord and Savior. So, since it’s been such a long day, and since I wish to spend some time with the creator of the universe, I think I’ll choose to get to the verse of the day, from 1 Peter 2:9, “But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.” Yes – chosen by God to get out of darkness and into the light of eternal life.
My encouragement this evening is that Christ is waiting for you to accept His free gift. And if you have already done that, then God is hoping that you will do your part to bring others into knowing the saving grace of an eternal relationship with Him. My prayer is that you will thank God for choosing you! After all, you are special, very special, and everyone deserves to know how much God desires to spend eternity with them. Have a great day in the Lord, grace and peace…