Since Thursday, I have been patiently waiting for the surgical repair to my knee and tendons currently scheduled for this coming Wednesday. It’s almost been something like a forced Sabbath for me. I am used to being busy, or at least mobile, and nothing could be further from my current situation. I find myself thinking about all the things that I normally try to get done this time of year. Bringing out the garden hoses, setting up the patio furniture, planting the various containers around the house and power washing the deck are all the things that start to enter my mind as we approach the month of May.
We also have a fountain that we love to listen to during the summer months – and I have been looking forward to working with our Doberman, Hank, in the backyard after we have a fence installed. And then, of course, I love to fish from the shore behind our home – or take out the paddle boat and ride around the lake. But it doesn’t look like that is in the cards this year and I am trying to be okay with that outcome.
For the most part, I am currently pain free, wearing a brace that has immobilized my right knee, and for that I am grateful. I wish there was another way to return to health but the doctors have assured me that the only answer is a surgical one. I want to get this behind me as I am admittedly anxious whenever I think about surgery. The last time I faced this type of situation was more than half a lifetime ago, almost 34 years to be exact, when I had to have my gallbladder removed.
One thing I am extremely grateful for is the way that medical personnel have treated me to date. I can’t say enough about the compassionate care I received at Morris Hospital. Doctors, nurses, technicians and others truly couldn’t have been more caring and helpful. Especially with the discomfort I experienced, the staff of this institution made every effort to make my time with them as pleasant as it could be.
That standard of care continued as I returned to Carmel and visited the medical professionals here. Throughout my work with all kinds of teams for many years, I have noticed that people involved in the healthcare industry exhibit an attitude of compassionate care more than any other field. It’s something that is almost in their DNA. Even in the classes I taught the morning after my injury, nurses, doctors and other healthcare professionals were aware of my condition and would not be dissuaded from attending to my care.
Frankly, I am not a very good patient. In fact, quite the contrary. I am usually the one serving others and it bothers me to be an inconvenience to others. Yet, in this situation, I must rely on others for help and get used to the idea that sometimes I should just be appreciative of others – realizing that I need assistance. Who knows how much more help I will need after the surgery on Wednesday…
I think that the Lord is teaching me patience. Those of you who know me understand that this isn’t one of my strongest traits. But the way that I am being taught is through the compassionate care of others and I am amazed at the number of illustrations that I have witnessed this past week.
Our verse for this evening highlights one of the verses written by the apostle Paul to the Corinthians. He tells us, in 2 Corinthians 1:3, “Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort…” In other words, God Himself is the author of compassion and the illustration we are to emulate when we have compassion on others. Certainly, I have been the recipient of this kind of care during the last week.
My encouragement this week is that God wants us to be compassionate toward others – as we become the hands and feet of Jesus. My prayer is that we will all care for one another and when the time comes that we need assistance, we can accept help and not rob others of the joy of assisting us. Have a great day in the Lord, grace and peace…