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Great Medical Professionals…

By September 29, 2023Devotional

During the last five years in particular, we have had more doctors to see and illnesses to overcome than at any time in our lives. And I just don’t mean Janet and I – I’m including our kids in that statement as well. it probably started with me when I ruptured my right quad tendon in April, 2018. I had to see orthopedic surgeons, rehab and physical therapy, drug cocktails for the pain and more than 16 weeks in a brace that made it difficult to even sleep. Thankfully, another ortho surgeon provided me with a brace that I could use at night so I could periodically get some relief.

It was a difficult time and Janet was indispensable in helping with my recovery. Our daughter, Jill, also had a number of great docs as was our daughter, Kristin, who probably has a bigger rolodex of doctors that the rest of us put together.

Our family’s Achilles Heel is in the area of auto-immune disorders. I have had problems with my sensitive skin and need to have treatments ever six weeks. I call them my “surface of the sun” treatments – the acid peel is definitely hot.

Janet has had numerous health issues over the years as well, all of which have been kept under control. And the same can be said for the other members of our family. We have been very fortunate with controlling our medical issues throughout the years.

This summer has been a different level of challenge. New doctors on the team, added numbers of specialists, dealing with the proximity of great medical facilities and other things that we, as a family, haven’t really been prepared for at this stage of our lives.

Sure, we have dealt with medical challenges many times, but we have entered deeper water. Nobody is dying but it does feel like we have been under attack. Janet has been the main focus of our attention since March, when she fell and suffered a cut on her head. I wish that had been the last of it, but family issues continue to come up and they need to be addressed. Hardly a week goes by that we don’t have appointments with one specialist or another.

But the thing that even transcends the need for specialists is that we have been blessed with an absolutely stellar team of doctors. Not only are they incredibly competent but they have a great “bedside manner.”

I have to admit that I am not a fan of doctors, though. It goes back to my early childhood when my brother, Doug, and I had an appointment with a pediatrician and I watched our family doc physically hold Doug down; and gave him an injection. I was absolutely stunned, I remember that I even cried I was so scared for Doug, and I never felt the same way about the medical profession – until the last several years.

In a twist of fate, Doug actually became a doctor and for years of my career, I have taught hospital systems and doctor practices about team dynamics and care for patients. It’s been a very rewarding field of work. But things are very different when you are the patient!

Now I hope that we all know that God is the ultimate healer but the doctors and medical staff folks are the hands of feet of Jesus when it comes to treating people. And we certainly pray for those friends and others in need who are facing medical uncertainties. But it sure helps when you have a team of docs that get along, interact and share ideas together – who are first and foremost concerned about the health and welfare of their patients.

In fact, I can’t believe how fortunate we have been. Everyone, and I mean everyone, has been helpful and kind regardless of their status. Notice that in addition to doctors, we have also been blessed with great nurses, technicians and even the people who draw blood and clean hospital rooms. People in healthcare seem to have a special kind of caring for others – a nurturing instinct. I think it is one of the few disciplines that seem to attract compassionate people who, for the most part,

really do care!

Our verse for tonight is from the good doctor Luke – somewhat fitting, isn’t it? Luke gives us the words of Jesus, who goes on to speak about the need for doctors. There is a larger context here but it is interesting to note that Jesus Himself saw the need for medical help and Luke tells us, in Luke 5:31, “Jesus answered them, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick…” Jesus goes on to explain in the next verse that He has not come to call the righteous but to call sinners to repent. So Jesus acknowledged the importance of doctors and medical people.

My encouragement tonight is that Jesus is still the great healer but many times He chooses to work through mankind. My prayer is that we will pray for those who have dedicated their lives to the service of those who need healing, understanding, compassion and a way to avoid suffering. God bless them and the joy they bring to millions of us each year. Have a great day in the Lord, grace and peace…

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