Thirteen years ago yesterday, October 8, 2001, President George Bush (43) announced the creation of the Department of Homeland Security. Of course, this was in response to the tragedy that occurred in New York and other areas east on the infamous date of 9/11. The terrorist attacks that happened that day forever changed the way we live our lives. Furthermore, the introduction of Homeland Security changed the way we view safety in our country.
It used to be that you could go to the gate at the airport and greet inbound passengers – no more. And people who have grown up since the 2001 terrorist attacks don’t know what it was like to live before everyone was so consumed with security and safety. But while we may be at risk in a physical sense, one thing is for sure. Homeland Security has provided additional ways that we can feel a little safer than in the past. It’s not a perfect world, and things aren’t as easy as they used to be, but we also haven’t had another major attack since 9/11 and many plots against the United States on its own soil have been foiled.
From a faith perspective, a belief in Jesus Christ is all the security you need. Talk about Homeland Security! You get to live this life and then transition to heaven and an eternity with God and His Son. You don’t have to go through security lines or background checks – you just have to believe – that’s it.
The verse for this evening is from Psalm 5:11, “But let all who take refuge in you be glad; let them ever sing for joy. Spread your protection over them, that those who love your name may rejoice in you.” That’s quite a comforting thought, isn’t it? Take refuge in God and He will spread his protection over you. My encouragement this evening is that God wants us to depend on His protection. He loves us and wants the best for us according to His plan for each of our lives. My prayer is that you will put your trust in the Lord. Things may not be perfect here on earth – that’s for sure – but you can be assured that they are perfect in heaven. And that’s where believers are ultimately headed. Have a great day in the Lord, grace and peace…