I don’t think that there are any beings on earth who have had more influence on us than our mothers. For most of us, our mothers were the people who saw the best in us, were our encouragers and reinforced the idea that we could accomplish anything we set our minds to. More times than not, our fathers were the disciplinarians and the “breadwinners” – at least when I was very young and growing up in Chicago. So that left Mom to run the house, do the errands, cook the meals and all the other things that kept our homes running back in the 50’s and 60’s.
When we fell down, Mom was there to “kiss” our hurt, make sure our homework was done, reward us for things we accomplished – and they always seemed to have a special spot for grace when we really deserved something else. No… not always, but if you doubt what I am saying, then go on Facebook and look at the thousands of tributes to mothers – both gone and still living – recognizing them on this most special day.
And while Father’s Day seems to be more of a macho thing, even the most hardened people seem to have a soft spot for their mothers. No matter what we are doing, we take a break and honor those who bore the brunt of our childhood tantrums and insecurities. And no matter how old we get, we continue to have a soft spot for moms. Corporate executives closing major deals will stop everything to take a call from their mothers. And those of us who have lost their mothers would give almost anything to be able to speak to them once again.
Mothers also have an uncanny ability to cut right to the heart of the matter. Most of us had mothers who knew how to give us “the look” when we were doing something that didn’t meet their standards or get their approval. I can still remember the look my mother had when we forgot our table manners or embarrassed her in some other way.
Another thing crosses my mind as well. We want our mothers at the important events of our lives. We want them to be proud of us and we try to include them. From baptisms to confirmations to graduations to recognitions for promotions, somehow, those moments are even more special when our mothers are there.
Jesus had his mother present at several of the important events in His life as well. His first miracle was performed at a wedding feast in Cana of Galilee. And while He may have not yet been ready to start His ministry by using miracles, He did, in fact, turn water into wine. And then He spent several days with His mother. Of course she had told the people at the wedding to do whatever her Son said – sounds like a typical mother, doesn’t it?
And what about the crucifixion? Mary was there at the foot of the cross, watching as her Son died a horrible death. During that event, Jesus turned to John, one of the apostles, and entrusted the care of His mother to John. We don’t see any other example of this in the Scripture. But Jesus looked out for His mother – even in the moments preceding His death. She was special to Him.
Our verse for the evening highlights the importance of mothers in the Bible. John, the apostle, recounts the events of the crucifixion in John 19:25-27, where he tells us, “Near the cross of Jesus stood his mother, his mother’s sister, Mary the wife of Clopas, and Mary Magdalene. When Jesus saw his mother there, and the disciple whom he loved standing nearby, he said to his mother, “Dear woman, here is your son,” and to the disciple, “Here is your mother.” From that time on, this disciple took her into his home.”
John eventually became the pastor at Ephesus and Mary occupied a home nearby. John watched out for Mary for the rest of her life. That’s how important mothers are to God. My encouragement is that, as Moses told us, we are to honor our fathers and our mothers. My prayer is that you will celebrate this day remembering or honoring the one who brought you into this world and I pray that your life has been made richer through that relationship. Have a great day in the Lord, grace and peace…