It was a hectic day today. I took Janet to the airport this morning, then dropped her car off to get an oil change, ran a few errands and worked all afternoon. All in all, it’s been kind of an odd day. Not good, not bad – just odd. I have been running so hard lately that when my evening appointment to coach one of my clients was cancelled, I suddenly had several hours of time on my hands – and that is rare. So rare, in fact, that I didn’t know what to do with myself.
So I did a few odd things around the house and just entertained myself with watching TV and surfing the internet. I should have been able to write this post early in the evening and been done with it a long time ago – but I didn’t. In fact, I just sort of “vegged out”. No excuses, no big blog tonight – just know that I didn’t do much of anything. I was even a little concerned about what I would write. Throughout the day, several people who know I post each evening asked what tonight’s topic would be. No clue – until just before I sat down to write – and it is fast approaching midnight eastern time.
I have just been still and contemplating my life. No big revelations, no regrets, nothing of substance – just a desire to chill out and do nothing. So, consistent with the way I have felt tonight, I’m keeping this short….
The verse for tonight is from the Psalms 46:10, “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.” That’s it – kind of says it all for me tonight. I have just enjoyed thinking about my relationship with God and savoring the silence of the night. Sometimes, that is better than anything else you can do – just commune with the Creator of the universe and revel in the stillness.
My encouragement for you is to take a few minutes, kick back and just be still. I know that we live in this “run fast” world, but tonight, it’s been great to just let the love of God wash over me. My prayer is that you can find a similar place to spend a little time. It can be a refreshing, wonderful departure from the hectic lifestyle we all lead. So, until tomorrow, have a great day in the Lord and as always, grace and peace…