Lately, there have been quite a few feature stories about people who have started investment funds to assist those entrepreneurs, primarily in third world countries, who have no other way to finance their dreams and start small businesses for themselves. Now we aren’t talking venture capital firms here – these are people who need as little as $50 and most people are looking for less than several hundred dollars. But with these funds they are able to start small companies that will allow them to feed their families and jump start the economies of third world countries.
A number of websites have cropped up that allow people to go out and lend money to these various startup ventures. These are, as the title of tonight’s post indicates, called “micro investments” and it is amazing to see how successful some of these small new companies have become. Whether it is transporting clean water or allowing someone to have a small cab to transport people about the city, the ideas never seem to stop coming. And although I haven’t yet “invested” in these new companies, I am absolutely enthralled with the concept and the passion that the facilitators of these loans have for their “borrowers.”
Truly, this is in keeping with the biblical mandates to spread the wealth around and to share and share alike. But you don’t have to invest dollars to pour your life into others. There are plenty of opportunities to help others by investing time and knowledge in other non-profits or individuals – even if it is helping with homework one day a month or filling sacks with groceries so underprivileged kids can have better nutritional choices than they currently receive. Sometimes, there are organizations out there that have passion but don’t have the business background to even manage their own finances – and that’s another place where we can provide expertise. Believe me – there are volunteer opportunities for anybody who wants to step up and become a part of the cure.
The verse for this evening comes from Heb. 13:16, “And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.” It’s a simple verse from the writer of Hebrews and it is pretty self explanatory. Share what you have – be it your time, your talents or your treasure – and God will be pleased.
My encouragement this evening is that God wants us to reach out and help in whatever ways we can. Whether it is helping someone get a job, feed their family, invest in a small company to improve the quality of life or any number of other opportunities, God is pleased when we step up. My prayer is that you will look for ways to uniquely contribute to make life a little easier for others. A micro investment for someone, somewhere is just the thing – after all, God has loved you and invested everything in you through the sacrifice of His Son on the cross. Have a great day in the Lord, grace and peace…