In another several hours, we will be inside the 24 hour window until the end of 2013. It’s been a very unusual year – and Janet and I are ready for it to be over. Throughout our marriage, we have had good years and those that they would classify as not so good. This year the family has been under fire in one form or another and there have been many changes in the way that we conduct our lives. Changes in jobs, dealing with illness and even death, growing spiritually and of course, thinking about the things that God would have us focus on in 2014.
Now that Christmas is behind us and the New Year is just around the corner, Janet and I have been considering all the blessings we have enjoyed this year. Yes, there have been incredible trials, but there have also been moments of joy and God’s grace. We have been challenged in our faith but both of us believe that God has a purpose and we must be dedicated to His purposes on earth. Much of that has to do with assisting those folks who are less fortunate than we are. And now is the ideal time to consider changes in how each of us will give back a portion of what God has blessed us with this year.
The Scriptures are very clear that Jesus had a heart for the poor and those who are marginalized by society. As members of the church, we are God’s plan “A” to make sure that people are taken care of. That’s where you and I come in. The Old Testament encourages us to tithe on our earnings – that is, give away at least 10% of your gross earnings to the church and those less fortunate. In fact, there were certain other tithes mentioned in the Old Testament that could bring the expected donations up to 30%. Now most of us don’t give that much of our earnings away, but the point of tonight’s post is to encourage you to re-consider your giving for next year, after reflecting on your blessings and prayerful consideration of your situation and God’s desire for you.
The verse for this evening is the second part of Luke 12:48, “…From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked.” My encouragement this evening is that no matter where you are on the giving spectrum, God challenges us each year to increase our giving based on how we are blessed and based on our capability to give. The New Testament does not contain a specific amount for giving, but it is quite clear that we are expected to help take care of those less fortunate as a part of our support. My prayer is that you will consider how you can increase your giving in 2014. After all, you have another whole day to think about it. Have a great day in the Lord, grace and peace…