The last week or so has been pretty hectic. In fact, my life is kind of like that all the time. And I’m sure that your life is hectic as well. Sometimes, when I get this way, I don’t spend as much time as I should in the Bible and in prayer. It doesn’t take long for me to realize that I am out of balance and that I need to spend more time with God. Thankfully, there is a place that I go when I need to get rejuvenated – and that’s the seminary I attended for years.
Today was one of those days. I was heading south to work and happened to get a call from Paul, a friend of mine who happens to be the current president of the school. We discussed several things that we had to attend to and he happened to mention that he and the key faculty members were just getting ready to engage in a period of prayer. He anticipated that in thirty minutes or so they would be finished and heading to lunch in the school cafeteria.
Something inside me confirmed that I needed some of that fellowship and so I decided to swing past the seminary for lunch with my cronies. By that I mean the president, key teachers and academic dean of the seminary. As soon as I turned into the driveway leading to the campus, I had that immediate familiar feeling of peace come over me. I really don’t even know how to describe it – but it happens every time I turn into the campus. No matter what kind of day it has been, the cares of the world seem to fall away when I turn off County Line Road and head toward the administration building.
After all, I spent years at that school and it is where my deepest friendships were forged while studying God, and even more important, through entering into a deeper relationship with Him. I can honestly tell you that I am a better person when I assume a posture of God centered worship. Because when I tend to put God in the background and assume that I can handle things on my own, I know that I am headed for trouble. And that tends to mean that I forget who’s in control – and it’s not me…
So lunch and the conversation after the meal were terrific. I had a chance to spend time with Dr. Branine, the professor who taught me most of the theology I learned through my studies. He never fails to challenge me with thoughts on some of the deeper points of theology. And I never fail to learn something from him- even though he is now in his mid-eighties and slowed down a step or two since I was in his classes.
So, without going on and on, the point here is that I have a place where I can go and get connected with other people who love me and understand my desire to connect with the Father. There’s something very comforting about that.
The verse for this evening speaks to this issue of peace. In 2 Th. 3:16, Paul tells the Thessalonians, “Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times and in every way. The Lord be with all of you.” My encouragement this evening is that you can also have a place where you feel safe and can experience the peace of God. My prayer is that you will dedicate yourself to finding that place and then enjoying the peace and joy that comes from being in communion with the triune God. Have a great day in the Lord, grace and peace…