Kristin, Janet and I just got home from a full day of meetings. It’s 11:35 pm and we are all tired. I can’t go into details, but suffice it to say that the whole experience was grueling and eventually God will prevail.
The thing that I have clung to all day is the phrase that Kristin has contemplated for about a week now. She believes that God wants us to serve Him and love others. Believe me – that’s easier said than done, but it is the thing that she believes God has put on her heart.
Now when you think about it, it may make more sense to change the phrase around – to Love God; Serve Others. But that’s not what she senses God wants from her. And I have been thinking about that all day as well. Maybe the way we serve God is by loving others. And the Scripture clearly tells us that loving friends is easy, while loving others is a little more difficult.
It’s late and I don’t have it in me to write a long post this evening. Please forgive my brevity. But I didn’t want to skip the evening either. We are being challenged to turn things over to God and to trust Him for our strength and our deliverance. As a friend of mine says, we just have to put it at the foot of the cross and let Jesus deal with it. In our humanness, we just aren’t able to comprehend the plans of the Father, or His Son.
So that’s where I am tonight – on my knees at the foot of the cross – trusting God to get us through all the issues that seem so unsettled in our minds this evening. Our trust is in Him.
The verse tonight reflects that sometimes the just get caught up in the middle of things that God is doing to the unjust. It just sometimes shakes out that it temporarily happens this way. From Matthew 5:45 we are told, “He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.” That’s where we are right now – getting caught in a rainstorm intended for someone else.
Anyway, my encouragement this evening is that you recognize that sometimes you get caught in the fall-out, but that God eventually irons things out. My prayer is that He doesn’t take too long to get us there…… Grace and Peace, yes, just some peace…….