Sunday, November 15th, signaled the second snow of the year for those of us here in central Indiana. I guess some people would even count it as number three, but one of the snows was only a few flurries. Of course, the first one came on Halloween evening. The temperature was dropping, the wind was howling and it really dampened the spirit of the trick or treaters. It was almost impossible to believe that the weather could change so quickly. After all, we’re not in Chicago walking along the lake!
And then Sunday, the unexpected snow. Luckily we had the leaves raked and the yard ready for winter, but we weren’t prepared for snow – and it stuck! I am just not ready for the fall to be over and for the change of seasons this quickly. To say nothing of the fact that the small lake behind our yard is freezing over and that means fishing is done for the season. How sad…
Now I know that Christmas is only five or six weeks away, and many of us like a little snow for the holidays, but this is getting started just too early. But I am sure that somewhere out there, somebody is loving this early blanket of white over all God’s creation. One of the most interesting passages in the Scripture is God’s questioning of Job in the later chapters of the book. God speaks of creation and all the things that He has done during the creation of the heavens and the earth. Job, of course, is without answers to God’s inquiries. And while there are many great passages in the chapters, I particularly like the ones that relate to nature and the snow that is in storehouses.
Our verse for the evening is from the latter part of the book of Job. In this exchange, Job’s friend, Elihu, speaks to the awesome power of God and some of the things that God has done. From Job 37:6, Elihu tells us, “He says to the snow, ‘Fall on the earth,’ and to the rain shower, ‘Be a mighty downpour.” Think about that. God speaks and nature obeys. After all, He created nature.
My encouragement this evening is that God created the earth for our benefit. His expectation is that we will take care of it. And even when there is some unexpected snowfall or rain storm, many times we are witnesses to things of beauty. My prayer is that you will be thankful for the gifts of nature that God has given us. Yes, maybe the snow is a little early, but maybe God was just in the mood to send us an early surprise. Have a great day in the Lord, grace and peace…