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The Prayers of the Saints…

By October 27, 2022December 7th, 2022Devotional, Lost in Translation

Earlier this week, Janet and I did something that we haven’t done since very early in our marriage. We fired up a charcoal grill and had an old fashioned barbecue together.

We both grew up in homes where our Dads loved to cook outdoors and back in the day, in the 60’s, we didn’t have gas grills or pellet grills. It was all charcoal. Janet’s family had a round grill, like the original Weber kettle grills and we had some sort of off brand that was kind of neat. It had half of a lid that could be turned to keep the grill out of the wind and a crank that allowed us to raise or lower the grate on a center spindle. So when Dad needed to cook something really hot, he could  lower the grate right over the fire. Conversely, he would raise the grate when he was keeping things warm for Mom to finish the rest of the meal.

Every several years or so, it was my job to paint the grill with Rustoleum to keep it looking nice. We had that grill my entire childhood and it was on that grill that Dad fostered my love of outdoor cooking. When I was small, it was my job to use tongs and build a pile of Kingsford charcoal briquettes in the center. Then, Dad could add charcoal starter fluid and light it up.

I absolutely loved the smell of a real charcoal fire – to be sure, I also liked the smell of the charcoal starter. Nowadays, things are much more difficult. There are so many options – hardwood charcoal chunks, flavored charcoals, packets of flavor additives and so many other things to appeal to every possible member of the target audience.

Several days ago, Janet and I decided to give it a go and we purchased a charcoal grill. Not that we needed another grill. We already have a gas grill and a wood fired pellet smoker. But after 45 years or so, we missed the smell and taste of real charcoal. It just so happened that we picked up a floor model that was already assembled and last Tuesday, I went to the store to pick up, you guessed it, Original Kingsford briquettes and starter fluid. I could hardly wait to get home.

I pulled out the grill, added the charcoal, doused it in starter fluid and fired it up. Wow! From deep within the recesses of my brain, memories of cooking with Dad came flooding back. They say that the sense of smell is the strongest sense and I have to agree with that. I told Janet that if the grill only cooked this one meal, the whole thing was worth it…

The meal was terrific and I even got bold and put some some wood on the briquettes to add a little smoke to the fire. It was great! I’m a little rusty for sure, but in this instant gratification world, it was nice to have the time to just live in the moment and take my time – savoring the preparation and the finished product. I am most thankful for the experience.

I couldn’t help but be reminded about Israel and the offerings the priests made to God in the Old Testament. The Levites were the tribe of priests and it was expected that they would live off the tithes and offerings from the other tribes. Part of their responsibility was to offer sacrifices to God. The Scripture tells us that the aroma was pleasing to God. Later, in the New Testament, we are told that incense carried the prayers of the saints to God so there is great biblical evidence that smoke and fire are a big deal when worshipping God.

Our verse for tonight comes from John’s account of the Revelation of Jesus Christ, the last book of the Bible. The apostle John tells us what he sees in Revelation 8:3-4, “Another angel, who had a golden censer, came and stood at the altar. He was given much incense to offer, with the prayers of all the saints, on the golden altar before the throne. The smoke of the incense, together with the prayers of the saints, went up before God from the angel’s hand.”

So we have scriptural proof that incense and and the prayers of the saints go hand in hand, an aroma pleasing to God. My encouragement this evening is that God loves it when we are attentive to Him and do things that are pleasing to Him. My prayer is that we will always offer our prayers for ourselves, and others, in a manner pleasing to God. Have a great day in the Lord, grace and peace…

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