I have been pretty much sequestered in our home for the past month or so. Yes, I have been to doctors and to physical therapy but, for the most part, that is it. I guess you could say that I am getting “cabin fever.” I long to be outside doing something instead of looking out the window.
So, today Janet arranged a short trip to one of our favorite restaurants for lunch with our daughter, Kristin. We usually sit in the more formal section of the place, but there is also an open air more casual side of the restaurant and that is where we chose to sit today – for several reasons.
First of all, I doubted that I would be cold. I haven’t worn long pants since two days after my injury and I am very concerned about getting chilled. With today’s high temperatures, I figured was safe. And then, probably an even more important reason to sit on the casual side – I could get in and out of the armchairs more easily than trying to slide into an elevated booth.
Once we arrived and I got myself situated at a suitable table, we were visited by several of the staff members and servers who know us from years of dining there. But the thing that struck me most was the terrific breeze that I could feel across my face through the open partitions to the outside.
In fact, it was more than a gentle breeze – I would say that I could feel the wind in my face. Even having just been outside, getting out of the car and walking into the restaurant, the breeze then and the wind now were distinctly different from each other. In fact, it was all I could do to concentrate on the conversation we were having – the wind felt so great.
Mind you, I have experienced this before, but I think that because I have been confined for so long, I have come to appreciate some of the things that I have taken for granted for so many years. It’s like my nerves are super sensitive and I am in alert mode. Any little thing stimulates my senses and I have a heightened awareness of God all around me.
The Scripture is full of references to the wind. But one of my favorites refers to the nuances of the wind. John, the apostle whom Christ loved, tells us in his Gospel, in John 3:8, “The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit.”
That’s exactly the way that I felt earlier today. I was mesmerized by the the way that the wind felt on my face. My encouragement this evening is that only God can control the wind and yet, we are able to discern the gentle subtleties of its coming and going and every so often, we can almost catch a glimpse of the Holy Spirit through His interaction with our senses. My prayer is that we all will take a little more time to revel in the divine mysteries that surround us each and every day – after all, this is the day that the Lord has made. Have a great day in the Lord, grace and peace…