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Then, Sicker…

By May 25, 2017August 30th, 2022Devotional

For probably only the second time in the last six or seven years, I thought about not writing a post tonight. But something inside me is pushing me on and so I’m submitting a short one – I think that’s about all the gas I have left…

Instead of getting better, I have continued, for the most part, to get worse throughout the week. In fact, for the first time in about a quarter of a century, I actually made an appointment to go see the doctor for a sickness – as opposed to the annual appointments I keep to make sure my regular meds and vitals are okay. When I think back on that, it is really quite amazing. I was telling our kids today that I don’t think I have had to deal with a sickness this severe since 1984 or so – more than 30 years ago.

Now that’s not to say that I haven’t dealt with illness – I have – but have always been able to manage it with readily available over the counter meds. Not this time. By Tuesday, I knew that I was in trouble and Janet suggested that I break down and call the doc. It was a great idea. Thankfully, I was able to get in the same day.

I was diagnosed with an acute sinus infection, upper respiratory problems, a severely sore throat and a hacking cough that is so bad my ribs are sore. All three of our children have had virtually the same thing sometime this year. Kristin was miserable for 11 days, Jill had it 9 or 10 days; and Andrew is still recovering from the worst part of his bout about three weeks ago. Everyone has said the same thing – this is miserable… and I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy…

The point of tonight’s post is not to give you a list of all the meds that I am on – but it is to let you know that for the most part, I have not slept more than about 90 minutes at a time since Saturday evening – and that’s taking it’s toll on me. In fact, wandering around the house at night – hacking and coughing – I have more time than usual with God. To be perfectly honest about it all, I have prayed for healing and to be relieved of the pain I am in. Praying for God’s will seems to be great in theory but when the chips are down, I am tired of feeling this bad and I just want to get better. Today, for the first time, I think I may be ever so slightly on the mend but I’m not getting my hopes up quite yet. Let’s see what the morning brings.

Whenever I have these times of sleepless nights, I am always reminded of David’s psalm to the Lord when he was on the run. The 63rd Psalm is a story of David feeling separated from God, yet remembering those times when he felt close to God. As the psalm progresses, David gets ever closer to the Father and at one point, confesses to God, and to the reader, in Psalm 63:6-8, “On my bed I remember you; I think of you through the watches of the night. Because you are my help, I sing in the shadow of your wings. My soul clings to you; your right hand upholds me.” The psalm finishes on a high with David fully restored in His relationship with the Father.

My encouragement this evening is that God always seeks to be in communion with us – and sometimes that means waiting patiently until the “watches of the night” when God has our undivided attention. He certainly has my attention this week! My prayer is that when the opportunity provides itself, you will spend those times in the middle of the night acknowledging the supremacy of God and never lose that sense of wonder at His awesome nature. And if you have an extra moment in your prayer time this week, I would appreciate any prayers for healing you would offer on my behalf. Have a great day in the Lord, grace and peace…

One Comment

  • Dave Toussaint says:

    I am so sorry you and under such duress. What a bummer!!! I have prayed for you today, and will continue to do so. I love your reference to Psalm 63 because it is so applicable to us in situations like this.
    Take care my friend, and I will pray for your healing.

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