Last evening, I wrote post number 900 since beginning TBTB 3-1/2 years years ago. In fact, I wrote the first post on my 58th birthday, February 19, 2011. And I am beginning to wonder how long this assignment from the Father will last. I have written approximately 900,000 words – that equates to more than 18 doctoral dissertations that average 50,000 words in length. What started out as a “calling” to periodically write a Christ centered article has turned into much more than that. But little did I expect that I would still be at it, 5 nights a week, years later. And while every once in a while I have a moment of hesitation as I think of a topic to write about, almost every evening I am amazed at how God plants the idea in my mind for each evening’s post.
And just when I think that I can’t possibly come up with something else to write about, something happens that, at least in my mind, illustrates the founding principle of Transitions by The Book – that is, in our everyday lives, each of us is transformed by ordinary life experiences that show the hand of God at work – directing our steps if we are wise enough to look for the signs. And as you know, I live my life expecting miracles – if I wasn’t trained to look for them I am sure that I would miss many of the blessings of God through naiveté.
And I am sure that I am supposed to write at least 100 more posts – taking me to 1000 – that should happen sometime near the end of this year. But I don’t have clarity after that… Am I to continue each night, or write periodically? Who knows, and frankly, since I am on a “need to know” basis with God, I guess the answer will be there when the time is near. To paraphrase a famous line of Jesus, “My time has not yet come” to stop writing.
In all honesty, sometimes I wonder if people are out there reading these writings each evening – and just when a little discouragement sets in, I get several comments about a particularly compelling topic and I am rejuvenated. With almost 1-1/2 hours devoted to the average post, the decision about the next season of life hangs in the balance. For now, it’s full steam ahead, but in the spirit of transparency, I thought it necessary to at least prime the pump and let you know where my thoughts are currently. Of course, I welcome any input you may have for me…
The verse for this evening is a very short one – from Paul’s letter to the Philippians in Phil. 1:3, “I thank my God every time I remember you.” My encouragement this evening is that God expects us to pray for one another and you should know that I have offered a prayer for each of you, our readers, this very evening. My prayer is that God will speak into your lives in such a way as honors you and your effort to do the right thing and advance God’s kingdom here on earth. So, until there is more clarity about the future, have a great day in the Lord, grace and peace…