I am a pretty organized person. I like to have my “ducks” in a row and, especially on the week-ends, I tend to enjoy a low stress environment. Janet and I try to get our errands done during the week according to a rather predictable schedule and that leaves us some free time to spend together on Saturdays and Sundays, which we guard zealously.
This past week, in particular, has been a busy one. I normally don’t have much to do but I had morning breakfast meetings almost every day and then had numerous formal meetings throughout the week. I was tired by Friday evening as this isn’t my normal routine any longer.
Yesterday was very hectic as well. I fixed breakfast for Janet and me, made the bed, filled all the bird feeders, took Hank on a 2.5 mile walk with Janet and was ready to kick back a little during the afternoon. Mind you, Janet was busy doing stuff as well. So both of us were tied up trying to get things done in advance of church at 5:00 Saturday evening.
Our oldest grandson, Connor, then came over after lunch and wanted to help me out. We trimmed the bushes, got the seasonal cobwebs out from around the house, marked the sprinklers in anticipation of having the lawn worked on this week, did some plumbing repairs around the house and several other home related tasks. By the time we headed to church, I was “all in”… I just don’t have the stamina that I had in my younger days.
After church, Janet and I picked up dinner – and made the decision to make beef jerky today. The kids love it when I make up a batch and I was looking forward to watching a football game as I ran back and forth to the grill to check on my smoked jerky. Unfortunately, the wheels fell off the entire plan this morning.
Jill, our daughter, asked me to look at her garage entry keypad. It stopped working and her son, Drew, uses that entrance to get back in the house after school each day. So, after breakfast, I delayed my smoker project until the keypad got fixed. I loaded my car with the tools I needed and got ready to head out. However, for the first time since I have owned my car, it wouldn’t start. That’s right. Stuck in the garage with no ability to get out. I just hate having car trouble.
I’m pretty careful with our vehicles. My grandfather always taught me that if I take care of our cars, they will take care of us. Well, that didn’t happen today! I borrowed Janet’s car, went to Jill’s and spent several hours with Drew trying to get the keypad working. Yes, we bought a new one – and that didn’t work either. Back to the store to return parts – you know how that goes… I couldn’t catch a break.
So… the car is broken, the garage entry system doesn’t work, the jerky needed to be made – and that’s a big job. My nice, quiet day vanished in front of my eyes. I was really disappointed.
Finally, at 4:00 p.m. this afternoon, I fired up the grill and started my cooking. That’s at least a four hour ordeal in itself and now it’s close to 10:00 and I am dog tired, just sitting down to write this post. All the dishes are done, I have packed up all the pouches of beef jerky and it is already in the freezer. The dishwasher is about done and after unloading it, I can head to bed and start all over tomorrow.
After my Monday morning breakfast with close friends, I will head to the dealership and figure out what happens next with the car. I should be grateful that I wasn’t somewhere out of town or in an accident, but I’m still caught up in all the turmoil of the day. Oh– our football team lost today as well. I just felt waylaid… interrupted time after time throughout the weekend – especially today, but I did enjoy spending time with Drew, Jill, Connor and our son, Andrew, at various times throughout the past several days. Now, I’m almost looking forward to tomorrow to get a rest from the past week!
I really want to experience God’s peace; and that seems a little elusive right now. That brings us to the verse for tonight. The apostle John tells us, in the gospel bearing his name, John 14:27, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.”
My encouragement this evening is that God wants us to live in His peace and to not let the things of the world distract us from the important relational elements of our lives. My prayer is that all of us can rest in the peace of God and realize that the little inconveniences of life are unimportant in the context of friendships, worship and serving others. In that regard, I feel fulfilled! Have a great day in the Lord, grace and peace…