For those of you who know me, I’m sure the title of tonight’s post just doesn’t make any sense at all. Because I worry about things that I just can’t control. And that’s just counterproductive. The sad part of it is that I know I worry about stuff and have a really difficult time just letting go and realizing that most of the time I can’t do anything about the situation.
I guess things would be different if I could control some of the things that I worry about – like if I was unprepared for a sermon that I was giving. But usually there is nothing I can do. My primary area of worry has to do with medical stuff – you know that I just don’t like going to doctors – but in the last several days I have become a little more convicted that if I truly believe that God is in control I have to “let go and let God.”
Two people I know well have independently come to me with decisions that they are consciously going to try to back off and not worry as much in their daily lives. It almost seems like the words are meant for me to hear. And as I said, not one, but two people have spoken almost the identical words to me in the last several days.
So yesterday and today, I have tried to be a little more aware of how many things I “worry” about or am afraid of. And you know what? Since yesterday I have had more peace on the subject than I remember for quite some time. It seems so simple to tell someone they shouldn’t worry about the future but it is easier said than done. I should know… My cousin, David, said it better than anyone else. He wrote me a little note indicating that God’s plan includes hard work but “NO STRESS” – stress isn’t needed where God is concerned. You would think after all these years that I would not let daily stuff disturb my peace… but sometimes I do.
The verse for tonight is from Matt. 6:27, “Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?” Great advice – now if only I can listen to it and respond to it… My encouragement this evening is that God already knows the outcomes in your life and He wants what is best for you – and that is whatever is in accordance with His will for your life. My prayer is that you will try to let go and let God drive your life for you. I am sure that He will do a much better job than any of us can do – at least I know that’s true for me. Have a great day in the Lord, grace and peace…
I have rested in these exact words “Relax, Let Go, Let God” as I have walked through these last two years. These last seven days I have been in the presence of a company that is international and the owner potentially a biillionaire – as I pitched my vision and mission for our school. With every obstacle present – technology failure, internet failure, flight delays, prototype failure, internal negative dynamics of a division of the organization, legal concerns, I walk away feeling rested in knowing that all these details are the result of God at work. He arrives on time and with his own agenda. Your “transitions by the book” are appropriate for me once again. Thank you Scott! It is always in our best interest to truly let God lead and leave all the details to him to sort through.
Hi Pam-Isn’t it true that we just have to take our lead from God… We have no idea what the big plan is and we are only on a “need to know” basis. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!