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Spiritual Attack

By July 2, 2013August 30th, 2022Lost in Translation

It’s been another one of those weird days. I feel good, but I have been bombarded with another round of stuff that just is in conflict with a God centered existence. And it’s been one of those days where I have heard from people who are struggling with similar circumstances in their own lives. Nothing seems to be going right and it’s almost comical to witness all the things that have happened. Several hours ago, the power even went out in our home during a short but intense, storm. We are at Andrew’s right now so that I can finish a short post and get it up on the internet.

One of my dear friends let me know that he has also dealt with issues and things that he believes to possibly be spiritual attacks as well. And this is one of my most God centered friends – a person I think of as a personal pastor to me.

Today, I have been called more negative names than I can even put into print – things like “monster,” and that’s one of the kind ones. I’ve even been called a slumlord – by an atheist. Go figure… I guess I must be doing something right – Satan doesn’t attack those of us who aren’t making a difference in the kingdom of God. But that doesn’t mean that I don’t reflect on these attacks and see if there is any grain of truth to them. After all, Satan has made his mark in the world by taking something that sounds like God and turning it around so that it creates confusion and chaos. The way to a pure heart is to check ourselves and make sure that we are God centered in our lives.

Truth be told, I can continue to strengthen my walk with the Lord. Something tells me that many other people could say the same thing about their relationships as well. It is pretty easy to get caught up in the things of the world and lose focus on the Father. A friend of mine sent me a great verse for tonight. From 1 John 4:4 (KJV), “Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.” In other words, we are told in the Scripture that believers are “of” God. In the Greek, that means that we belong to God. And we are told that we have overcome the things of the world. I need to remember that – sometimes I don’t feel like I have overcome all the things of the world.

And finally, we are told that God is stronger than Satan and that God is in us, while Satan is in the world. While we are on the topic, it is important to remember that the earth is the dominion of Satan and so we will be under threat of earthly influences for all the days of our lives. My encouragement this evening is to turn to God for strength and to try and emulate a Christ-like behavior. My prayer is that you will vanquish the advances of Satan and remain steadfast in your commitment to the Lord. And don’t forget that while Satan is among us, God is in us – through the Holy Spirit. Have a great day in the Lord, grace and peace…

One Comment

  • Jill Burks says:


    You are kind, generous, an amazing father AND grandfather, a mentor and someone who always helps others. I am so sorry that someone said those horrible untruths about you. All we can do is pray that one day this non-believer will come to know Christ and his love. Until then, keep doing what you do best…ministering to those in need. I love you very much and am so thankful that I have you in my life!!

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